
Bioheat® Fuel vs. Heating Oil for Your MA or CT Home

If you use heating oil for your Massachusetts or Connecticut home, then you’ve probably heard all the buzz about the new low-carbon home heating alternative, Bioheat® fuel. Not sure what Bioheat® fuel is? No problem—Bioheat® fuel is a cleaner-burning energy resource used in place of heating oil; it’s created by blending ultra-low sulfur heating oil […]

Top 8 Tasks Before Turning On Your Home’s Heat

Fall is finally here in Massachusetts and Connecticut. You’re going to be putting your A/C into hibernation soon, and you’ll be filling your closet with sweaters and sweatshirts to keep you warm through the fall and winter. Pretty soon, you’ll kick on the heat and look ahead to a couple of months of low temperatures. […]

Fall Is Busy! Make Your Life Easier with Online Oil Ordering

Fall is one of the busiest times of the year for most people—heading back to work after a relaxing summer, and if you have kids, you’re worried about getting them prepared to start the new school year. Between registration, open houses, buying school supplies, and having that report on your boss’s desk by deadline, you […]

A/C Repair: How to Get Your Air Conditioning System Back Up and Running

Summers in New England get hot! You rely on your A/C during the warm seasons to keep your home and family cool and comfortable. When the days are sweltering hot, nothing is worse than having your air conditioning go out on you. If your A/C system stops working, you’re going to need help from a […]

5 Fast Facts about Bioheat® Fuel

How much do you know about home heating oil? Did you know that the oil we deliver is actually Bioheat® fuel? Bioheat® fuel is a blend of renewable biodiesel and heating oil. Take a minute to learn more about the fuel you use to keep your Connecticut or Massachusetts home or business safe and warm year […]