‘Tis the Season of Holiday Safety

How to Stay Safe During the Holidays
‘Tis the holiday season! It is a time of celebration, cooking, decorating, and entertaining! With this season, comes an increased risk of fire and accidents. It is important to make sure you keep yourself and your home safe this season, so here are some tips to help you do just that!
Keep Your Travel Plans Offline
The holidays are filled with plenty of travel. When planning your trip, make sure to keep your plans off of social media. Never post where you are going, when you are leaving and for how long you will be gone. Doing so will increase your homes chance of being vulnerable to a break in.
Notify a Neighbor or a Friend
If you are planning on going out of town, let a neighbor know so they can keep an eye on your home, keep your walks cleared, and pick up your mail. If you are not close to any of your neighbors, ask a friend to stop by or to even stay for the duration of your travels.
Keep Gifts Out of Plain Sight
Not only do you want your gifts out of the sight of children, but also from potential intruders. Having gifts under a tree is an invitation for someone to break in. This not only applies to gifts, but to electronics as well. After you open the presents, make sure to dispose of the boxes properly. Leaving a 60” TV box outside on trash day is just asking for trouble!
Leave a Light On
Whether you are leaving for a few days or just for a few hours, make sure to leave a light on. Thieves typically will not approach a home that appears to be occupied.
Keep an Eye on Your Christmas Lights
Before hanging lights on your house or tree, it is important to make sure you inspect the strands for frayed cords or cracked lamps. This will help prevent any accidental fires. If you are heading out of the house or going to bed, make sure to turn the lights off.
Keep Your Home Nice & Warm
According to the U.S. Fire Administration, 12.5% of Residential Fires in 2014 were caused by heating. It is important to make sure you have your furnace inspected and your chimney cleaned. If you are planning on using a space heater, keep it at least three feet away from anything that can burn.