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How Spending Time at Home Can Increase Your Oil Usage in MA

September is here in Massachusetts, and we’re already starting to see signs of the change—leaves are beginning to change, temperatures are slowly starting to drop, and fall décor is making its way into stores statewide. But this fall will be a little different than seasons past. Millions of residents throughout New England are planning for remote working, remote learning, and remote socializing.

This difference is an important step in keeping our community safe, and we’re fully on board—but we do want to remind you that staying at home more often this year means you’ll likely go through oil faster and have to place delivery requests more frequently. Here are some tips we recommend to help your family stay on track with fuel oil delivery requests to keep your home safe and warm. After all, you’ll be spending more time at home than ever, so you may as well be comfortable!

Remote Work Oil Use

Keep an Eye on Your Oil Storage Tank Gauge

Are you familiar with your heating oil storage tank’s gauge? This circular dial can be on the top or side of your oil tank and displays a needle to determine the level of fuel remaining. Sometimes these gauges do break—if so, please let us know so we can help you learn how to measure your tank without the gauge.

Order Oil When Your Gauge Reads No Lower Than ¼

Assuming your oil storage tank gauge does work like it’s supposed to, we recommend ordering oil before the needle reaches the ¼ marker. This will leave you with enough time to get your affordable oil delivery from PayLess before your tank runs out of oil, which isn’t great for your furnace or boiler and hot water heater unit.

Set a Reminder on Your Smartphone to Check Regularly

During the cold season, having heating oil is essential to your home comfort and safety. Setting a weekly reminder on your smartphone to check your oil tank gauge is a great way to make sure you have enough fuel without having to rely on memory. Just say “Hey Siri,” or “Hey Google, remind me every weekend to check my heating oil level.” Chances are you have plenty on your mind—make this important winter to-do easier on yourself by using technology to your advantage.

Keep an Eye on the Forecast and Order before Storms

If you’re watching the forecast and notice a snowstorm on the way, it could be a good idea to place an oil order before it arrives. Many homeowners won’t order until the storm arrives, which can congest fuel transport schedules and delay your heating oil delivery.

When you’re ready to place your MA or CT oil delivery request, please do so right here on our website in just a few clicks. We want the best for every customer, and that includes keeping your home warm and safe this year.