Don’t Stress While On Vacation – Tips to Protect Your Home

Consider a house-sitter: The best way to make sure your house is safe while you’re away is to have someone stay at your home. Have someone you trust move in temporarily and water the plants, feed the pets and pick up the newspapers.
Call your local post office: Ask your local post office to stop mail delivery until you get back. They can typically hold mail from three to 30 days.
Have a friend keep an eye on your property: Many peddlers will leave fliers on your door knob to see if you are home. Ask a friend or neighbor to remove these while you are away.
Make your home look lived in: Set your lights to go on at various times through the day. We would also recommend turning a tv on.
Make sure everything is locked up: This may be a silly task, but sometimes we may forget to lock up a window or even a door. Make sure to double check before you leave.
Don’t announce your plans: Stay off social media and announcing your plans to the world. This is the easiest way for someone to find out if you are home or not.
Unplug unnecessary electronics: Make sure electronics such as your computer, a fan and coffee pot or unplugged. Not only will this save you money, but will prevent you from accidentally leaving them on.
Install added security features: Installing security systems or even an exterior light that runs on timers is a great way to ramp up your security. It helps make your property less attractive to a burglar.