Bioheat® Fuel: The Newest Innovation in Home Heating Fuel

Bioheat® fuel was developed as a recent response to the push for finding renewable energy and alternative fuel sources here in the U.S. You might already know the basics about this eco-friendly fuel, such as the positive impact it has on our environment—not to mention your energy budget. But do you know what gives Bioheat® fuel the eco-friendly designation, or how Bioheat® fuel is helping our farmers? Below are some frequently asked questions that consumers have about this cleaner, greener home heating fuel.
We are proud to deliver Bioheat® fuel that contains a premium additive to provide more value to you. Our participation in the Mass APS program helps to develop our provision of alternative energy.
GET A QUOTEBioheat® Fuel FAQs
What is Bioheat® fuel?
Bioheat® fuel is a blend of ultra-low sulfur heating oil and biodiesel. Biodiesel is created from recycled oils and agricultural by-products. The blend can be used in place of traditional home heating oil. Biodiesel is made domestically from a variety of agricultural or recycled resources, which are treated and purified. Biodiesel is then mixed with low-sulfur heating oil to create Bioheat® fuel.
How and where is Bioheat® fuel oil made?
Bioheat® fuel is produced right here in the US by combining ultra-low sulfur heating oil with renewable and reusable resources like plant oils and recycled cooking oil. Biodiesel can be made from a variety of renewable resources, including plant oils (such as soybean oil, peanut oil, and sunflower seed oil), animal fats, recycled grease from restaurants, and even algae oil. Produced domestically, it creates more jobs in the US and helps to support local suppliers.
Is Bioheat® fuel a safe fuel to use?
Like regular oil, Bioheat® fuel is a safe energy source due to its nonexplosive qualities and production of visible warning signs during rare malfunctions. The low emission levels are also great for the environment. Bioheat® fuel offers a sustainable fuel solution for the future.
Are there more benefits of using Bioheat® fuel?
Yes! The greener fuel does more than lower greenhouse gas emissions to protect our environment; it can also improve the operation of your furnace or boiler! This helps to extend the life of your equipment and reduce annual fuel costs. In addition, no modifications are needed for current oil heat systems to burn Bioheat® fuel oil. It’s a win-win situation for all involved.
Where can I learn more about Bioheat® fuel?
There are a variety of resources you can use to learn about this eco-friendly alternative to traditional oil heat. We recommend:
Which types of tanks do you deliver Bioheat® fuel to?
We will deliver Bioheat® fuel to any type of heating oil tank, providing the tank is located indoors. Unfortunately, while Bioheat® fuel is great for your heating system, the environment, and American jobs, it is also at a much higher risk of gelling in cold temperatures.